Monday, August 27, 2007

i'm still standing

Sorry, sorry! I realize that I have been HORRIBLY lax in keeping this blog up to date. See, a couple of weeks ago I think I hit the proverbial wall. I foolishly did a muscle pump class the day before my long run. Dumb. Just Plain Dumb. I managed to get 45 put of 60 minutes done before I stopped on the side of the road and cried. And then the rest of my runs that following week were sad or non existent.

But during my NC trip, I did run! On Monday with Janet, and Tuesday with Robyn, and Wednesday with Rita at the gym. Thursday on my own at Betsy and Todd's (even though I got tricked into running a big hill, thanks Todd) and Friday with Allie (since Saturday was the Cruise Family Festival of Craziness out at the lake). Friday was my long run, just an hour since I hadn't finished the week before. Allie took my watch so I couldn't focus on the time. Unfortunately, it had the exact opposite effect she was hoping for. Twenty minutes in I was whining and tired and annoying myself, and Allie as well. God love her because she didn't just leave me in the woods, she encouraged me and patiently let me walk a little. And so I finished. Kind of. It certainly wasn't a finish I was proud of.

Friday came again and I could feel my next long run looming in front of me. I knew that "the wall" had to be demolished or this marathon training would be seriously sabotaged. So Friday night I simply told myself, "Tomorrow you are going to do your long run and finish strong. It's an hour and five minutes you get to spend with yourself seeing how just how determined you are." And you know what? I actually woke up Saturday morning excited and ready to go. Did my run of 65 minutes (6.3 miles), finished it like a rock star and the wall was GONE.

I'm back on track for this week and will do my long run on Wednesday (70 minutes/7 miles) because we're heading to Colorado that afternoon for a YL weekend at Trail West. I'm still planning on running, just on completely flat ground and only 20-25 minute runs. And those will be in between portraying "Janna Fontana", evil Hollywood wannabe who plans to take over Trail West and turn it into her personal spa. Type casting? Surely not...

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