Monday, June 4, 2007

good morning wagon wheel!

5 min. warm-up
5 min. walk, 1 min. jog (repeat 2 more times) 5 min. walk
5 min. cool-down

favorite song of the morning: "finding my way back home"- leann womack

This was certainly the earliest our neighborhood has seen me out and about. Out of bed at 7:45 and on the road. I realized I'll miss laying in bed with Jason those few extra minutes, but he's snoring and hogging the bed these days (sooooo tired he is!)so I might was well get up anyway :) Power walking felt good. I'm trying to be aware of good posture, keeping my shoulders relaxed, sucking in my tummy. Running was good too. Shorter, which was nice. Felt a little more fluid than yesterday, like my body is slowly remembering that I'm a runner. Poor thing, I've blocked that memory for a while.

In other news, anybody seen this week's People? Lindsay Lohan on the cover and all sorts of articles inside to make you feel bad about having an average size body. I'll probably post about that on my Diary blog later today. Soapbox, here I come!


Sarah Poole said...

hey! glad that YOU are running, as opposed to me who probably hasn't run by herself since basketball season. Good Luck on the training!

Serena's 24/7 said...

I would hafta name my new blog.... "I jog like a granny! dang. it ain't pretty either." So so so proud of you..... ALL OF THIS ADULT drama has been consuming my ADULT life.... resolution should head my way by weekend... pray.

Boom said...


serena sent me your blog. we're all busy blogging these days!

can't wait to hear about your progress.