Sunday, June 3, 2007

a good start

5 min. warm-up
10 min. walking
3 min. running
10 min. walking
10 min. cooldown (should've been 5, but i was too far away from the car)

I feel strong, active, healthy getting back out on the trails again. Although the three minutes of running was about all I could handle. I can't wait for the day when I can run again without thinking about every single step. I wonder how long that will take...

Allie is my trainer and she is sure to be an awesome one! A few months ago she challenged me to this goal, this life goal. It's a birthday gift to me and I can't wait! All of this comes at a good time as I've finally gone back on Weight Watchers to lose the 20+ pounds I've gained since getting married. So, different outlook on food, back to the exercise routine I know and love, encouragement from the little sis- this start looks good. We'll see...

1 comment:

Debo said...

Good luck, Leslie! Keep to your training schedule and you'll run that marathon no problem. In fact, I would love to go to SanFran and cheer you on. Anybody with me????