Sorry to not have posted sooner, I was holding out for some pictures to post along with my words! And here they are, actual proof that I completed 26.2 miles of running/walking. It was amazing, exhilirating, extremely emotional and definitely the hardest thing I've ever done in my whole entire life. My goal was simply to finish but if we're getting particular, my finishing time was 5:55:06. I don't quite have the words yet to describe it all, I'm still recovering and trying to get to a point where I'm not tired all the time! Maybe after a weekend of rest and celebrating my 30th birthday...with a life goal CHECKED OFF!!!
(These pics were all taken by the official marathon photographer a mile out from the finish and at the finish)
Well you dont know me at all but I found your blog through Keva Fowlkes. She used to be my next door neighbor here in Abilene on LaSalle Dr. I just read your blog about your marathon. That is actually a dream of mine to someday do. I ran a half marathon last October in Buffalo Gap, TX. It was GREAT! I cant imagine running another 13 miles though. Anyway I'm not sure if it will ever happen but I sure would like to. Great Job!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of you!
WHat can I say...You ROCK!
And yes I still know how to leave comments on blogs.
A very belated congratulations!
-Brian Madison
Well you dont know me at all but I found your blog through Keva Fowlkes. She used to be my next door neighbor here in Abilene on LaSalle Dr. I just read your blog about your marathon. That is actually a dream of mine to someday do. I ran a half marathon last October in Buffalo Gap, TX. It was GREAT! I cant imagine running another 13 miles though. Anyway I'm not sure if it will ever happen but I sure would like to. Great Job!
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