Tuesday, September 18, 2007

the queen of...




Oh yeah, I can mentally worm my way out of anything. I'm learning that in running there is no getting out of anything. You don't do the runs, you don't make progress, you hurt even more the next time. Git 'er done!

30 min LSD
Cool down, stretch

1 mile warm-up
1 mile time trial (8:55)
2 mile cool down
Strides- 3x

I ran this evening. It was nice, good breeze. I did my warm-up mile and then proceeded to KICK TAIL on my time trial mile. It was somewhere in the middle of all this that a big lump grew in my throat. Part phglem, part dinner, it was not a pleasant experience. I probably shouldn't have eaten Chinese so close to my run. No, no upchucking but it sure didn't feel all that great. Pretty soon I was rationalizing away, "Well, I'll just do the time trial and then power walk a mile...I can turn around right up here...Surely I don't need to do four miles today..." But I managed to shove those thoughts aside. I told myself that at some point in the marathon I will hit a wall. I will want to quit. So, treat this moment like the wall and push through it. And I did. I don't say this to brag, I'm just trying to be as honest as possible with y'all and with myself.

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